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8 Best Organizing Tips for Your Home

By Katy Sommerfeld

We’ve all been there: when work never seems to end, responsibilities keep getting tacked on, and it starts to feel like no matter how fast we swim, we’re sinking. It’s easy to slack off on smaller tasks, like keeping an organized home, while life feels busier than ever before. However, if life is already too cluttered to begin with, a cluttered home can only make things worse! Sometimes, the best way to get organized in life is to organize the space we occupy the most. Organization can help clear your mind and help you feel refreshed and capable of handling the stresses of everyday life. A clean and orderly home is so much more relaxing after a long day of work than a messy, disorderly home. Here are 8 tips to help you get started on tackling the mess and getting your home organized!


1. Start small

Depending on the size and condition of your home, your organizing process may take a couple of hours or a couple of weeks. If you don’t have a lot of spare time already, carve out an hour or two a day to tackle little projects. Starting with an easier project can help you feel accomplished without getting burnt out quickly. It’s the little victories that count!

2. Condense the clutter

It’s easy to leave items in all sorts of places around the house when it’s convenient. Condensing items into categories that make sense can help create more space in your home and can make it easier to find things when you need them. For example - if you have lots of photos and home movies around, consider getting them digitized with Southtree and save space by preserving them in a digital format. Or maybe you have all kinds of cables, chargers, and electronics scattered throughout the house. Get a container for them and keep them in a room that makes sense, like an office. Condensing items in this way can make a space feel cleaner, and it’s easy to do.

3. Say goodbye

The hardest part of the organization process for many people is letting go of items. Sometimes items have sentimental value, and it can be difficult to let certain things go, even when they are taking up needed space. One simple way to determine which items stay and which items go is to ask yourself how often the item is used. Where were you keeping it? If it is tucked away and not being used, it may be time to part ways.

4. Storage solutions

The best way to ensure that your organization efforts stick is to invest in a storage system that is attractive and makes sense for your space. You want to choose boxes, containers, and baskets that you like and don’t mind guests seeing. The more aesthetically pleasing the container, the more likely you will be to continue using it. Also, make sure your containers are large or small enough to hold the items you need. Labelling storage boxes can make finding items later a breeze.

5. Give it a home

If you have a habit of leaving clothes, electronics, or other items out in open spaces of your house, the best way to deal with this is to give each item a home. Decide where you want to keep your clothes. Do you always leave your jacket draped over a in your living room? Consider buying a coat rack or some hooks to store jackets on. Is your laptop always left out on the dining room table? Decide that it stays on your desk.

6. Use wasted space

Depending on the size of your home, there may be space that you could use to store items that you aren’t taking advantage of. If you have an attic, use it to store clothes that are out of season. This will free up lots of space in your closet. If you have a room that is a little empty, consider transferring some items from a cluttered room to that room. Tall cabinets and shelves can save floor space, as well.

7. Do what makes sense

You know your home and your habits better than anyone. Don’t create an organizational system that is confusing or difficult to manage. Do what works best for you and your family.

8. Be flexible

You may try out a storage system and learn it doesn’t work for your space like you thought it would. You may decide that you want to move your medicine from the bathroom to the kitchen cabinet. Let yourself make changes. Keep receipts to all storage containers and boxes so that if they do not work for your space, you can return them. Don’t be afraid to change things up if they aren’t working. Part of becoming organized is learning what works and what doesn’t. Being flexible is important for the process.

These are just a few ways to make organization go a little smoother for you. These tips can help get you started organizing and cleaning, and can help you keep it up for a long time. Go easy on yourself - Rome wasn’t built in a day, and perfect organization likely won’t happen overnight. Be patient and persevere, and you’ll be so happy that you stuck with it once you have a beautifully organized home. Good luck!

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