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Home /Entertainment / Which Storage Format is Best For You and Your Memories?

Which Storage Format is Best For You and Your Memories?

By Christian Roemer

Since you’re reading this blog, there’s a pretty good chance that you’re considering digitzation services for your photos, tapes, or film. We think that’s dandy, and we’re happy that you found us! Odds also say that you’re probably not exactly sure which digital format is best for you. Fret no more; we’re here to help.

Digitizing your analog media is a great way to preserve its posterity, share your memories with your friends and family, and find new ways to watch them. At Southtree, we offer three digital formats for you to choose from: DVD, Thumb Drive, and Digital Download. Here’s the difference between them, some pros and cons, and what to expect with each format.

Digital Download

Pros: Instant gratification, No mail, Environmentally friendly

Cons: Nothing physical, Internet speed dependant

Diving Deeper: A digital download is probably the most straightforward of all of the digitization formats. Southtree will get your media, run it through our incredible technology, and we’ll send you a link to download all of it right onto your computer or laptop. It’s easy, no mess, and no frills. If you’re looking for the speediest way to get your digitized memories back to you, this is it. BUT, if you’re still rocking dial-up AOL internet, this is not going to be the format for you.

Thumb Drive

Pros: Super lightweight, Compact, Really fast

Cons: Easy to lose, Need USB port

Diving Deeper: When thumb drives first came out, I pretty much thought they were the coolest thing ever. They’re so small that they fit in the palm of your hand, they hold a ton of information, and they’re fast. All of those things are still true. Thumb drives enable you to easily move all of your memories onto your computer and share on social media and email. However, since they’re small, they’re easy to lose. Also, some computers don’t come with USB ports anymore (Hello, Apple), so a thumb drive won’t do you much good.


Pros: Take and watch anywhere, Shiny on the back, Easy to use

Cons: Slower to put on computer, Need DVD drive/player

Diving Deeper: DVDs were a revelation when it comes to storage technology. They have a huge amount of capability, and they’re lightweight and portable. If you have a DVD player, you can pop your digitized memories in there and watch them on any TV or computer. That makes it great for parties and get-togethers, because you can take it basically anywhere and watch it instantly. The downsides of a DVD are that you need a DVD player to watch it, your computer needs a DVD port to use it (Hello again, Apple), and the back can get scratched somewhat easily.

If you’re looking for a final conclusion about which format is best for you, the answer is a pretty bad one: it depends. If you’re comfortable with digital media, and you’re computer savvy, the digital download option is probably best. If you’re somewhat comfortable with computers, but you really like to have a physical storage device, a thumb drive is a great solution.

If you’re not tech savvy at all, and you just want to be able to watch your home movies and pictures on a big screen, you should go with the DVD. The truth is, there’s no right or wrong answer. It’s all about what you want to do with your digitized memories, and how you want to do it. That's why Southtree is here to help. The simply, easy, "we thought of everything" kit to have your memories digitized. 

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