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10 Questions to Ask Your Grandparents

By Katy Sommerfeld

One of the best things about childhood is having grandparents. Going to Grandma and Grandpa’s house as a kid meant getting spoiled with yummy treats and warm hugs, and hearing wonderful, enchanting stories from the past. As we get older, we can sometimes take our grandparents for granted and we often forget the childlike wonder we had when we would sit on Grandma or Grandpa’s lap listening to one of their own childhood stories. Our grandparents can be a wealth of wisdom and knowledge, and they can offer much insight into our family histories and into our lives as individuals.


So many revolutionary and extraordinarily significant events have happened in just the last couple of decades that our grandparents lived through and experienced. Their perspectives can open our eyes and help us see things in a new light. Why not visit your grandparents soon and ask them some questions? Here’s some examples of great questions to ask your grandparents to get to know them even better:


What was your first job and how old were you?

The answer to this question may surprise you! Maybe they started working very young, or maybe they waited until after high school or college to get their first job. Ask them why they chose to apply for the job, and what their tasks looked like. You might find out something interesting!

Did you go to any school dances when you were younger?

Middle and high school dances can be exciting, but they can also be very awkward. Ask your grandparents if they ever went to any dances when they were in school. Do they remember who their date was, or if anything memorable happened? Maybe your grandmother saved one of her prom dresses!

What kinds of extracurriculars did you do in high school?

Your grandparents’ choices in extracurricular activities can say a lot about their personalities. Maybe your grandfather used to be in the drama club and starred as a lead role in a musical, or maybe your grandmother was a track star. You might learn something about their interests that you didn’t know before.

Do you still keep in touch with any childhood friends?

Do your grandparents have any close friends from their younger years? Ask them! Maybe you can meet their friends and ask them more about what your grandparents were like as kids.

What was one of the hardest things for you at my age?

Understanding the troubles your grandparents had when they were younger can help you understand more about them as people. Did they have insecurities, or were they shy? Maybe you have something like this in common.

What was your wedding like?

A wedding can be one of the most important day of a person’s life. What do your grandparents remember about this special day? Perhaps they have some photos they can share from the ceremony.

What was it like raising my mom or dad?

We’ve all wondered at some point what our parents were like as kids. We want to understand them and know how they’ve changed over the years. Grandparents are the perfect people to ask that question! Maybe your mom or dad was a quiet kid, or maybe they were the center of attention. It might be cool to get your grandparent’s point of view on the people who raised you.

Where have you travelled and which destination is your favorite?

Where have your grandparents been on vacation? Did they travel much, or did they love to stay at home? Maybe you’ve visited some of the same places.


What was your favorite thing about your parents?

What about the people who raised your grandparents? Whether you’ve met them or not, your great-grandparents definitely had an impact on your grandparents. What is their favorite thing about their own mother and father? Was their mom really funny? Was their dad a bookworm? What was their fashion sense like? Find out!

What moment in your life would you most like to revisit?

Maybe your grandmother wishes she could hold your parent as an infant again. Maybe your grandfather wishes he could meet your grandmother again for the first time. Whatever the moment may be, this question is sure to spark an interesting conversation and help you learn more about these special people in your life.

Take some time soon to visit your grandparents and strike up a conversation about their lives. Use some of these questions above as inspiration. Grandparents are gifts, and spending time with them enriches our lives and reminds us of the importance of family and keeping memories alive.

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