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Home /Travel / Can I Scan Slides on My Flatbed Scanner?

Can I Scan Slides on My Flatbed Scanner?

By Elaine Elliott

Are you wondering if you can scan old slides onto a flatbed scanner? Yes, it is possible to scan slides on your scanner.

Below, we’ve listed a few more details to consider if you want to scan photos at home. 
Whether you buy a $200 or $2,000 flatbed scanner, both products will typically scan your slides with the same results. Size options for either scanner can go up to 4000 DPI for slides and negatives.


If that’s the case, then what’s the difference between a cheap and expensive flatbed scanner?


Expensive flatbed scanners come with all the bells and whistles. These scanners will scan faster, have slightly sharper pixels, and include sophisticated software such as Digital ICE where you can adjust image colors and remove dust scratches from scanned photos. But if you already own Photoshop or Lightroom, the more advanced software might not be as valuable to you.


All in all, the majority of all flatbed scanners will produce high-resolution scans, and the DPI quality does not vary greatly between the price tag of scanners. Most scanners give the option to scan slides, negatives, and photos.


You will have to consider the appropriate DPI (dots per inch) when scanning. DPI measures the size of your newly digitized photo. If you want your slides to scan a 4x6 photo, 1500 DPI is suitable. For larger 24x36 images, scan your slides at 4000 DPI. Keep in mind, DPI also factors in image quality. A 15000 DPI scan will give you HDTV quality, and a 4000 DPI scan from a flatbed scanner will provide a lower archive quality.


If you don’t already own a flatbed scanner, don’t go through the hassle of purchasing one when Southtree will scan slides for you! We can digitize 35mm slides, 35mm negatives, and photos with state-of-the-art scanning technology. Our equipment can scan thousands of photos for you (imagine how long that would take with a flatbed scanner!) and place all the digitized images on a thumb drive, disc set, or digital download. Every image will be scanned at 12 megapixels.


We wish you the best of luck with scanning slides on your flatbed scanner. And please consider our services if you want the best quality possible for your digital memories.

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