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Home /DIY / How to Post Sharper Images on Facebook

How to Post Sharper Images on Facebook

By Shelby Burr

Facebook is a social networking site to interact with your friends and loved ones, enabling you to share posts, pictures and videos online. It's one of the most popular tools to share your photos and videos with your friends and family.


What is the JPG file format?

The JPG format reduces the size of pictures, without noticeably lowering their quality. To put it in another way, JPG images are compressed pictures with a high resolution. The quality of JPG image is excellent and usually sufficient to share pictures online. If the images you'd like to post are not JPGs you can open them with any reader (like Preview or Acrobat) and go to File > Export and then select JPG.


How to post JPG pictures on Facebook?

Uploading or posting pictures on Facebook is easy and simple. Hopefully, these steps will have you posting and sharing sharp pictures on Facebook in no time.


  1. First of all, make sure the images you want to post are saved on the computer. Alternatively, you can connect a USB stick or external hard drive containing the images to your computer.

  2. Login your Facebook account and navigate to your timeline, or the place where you want to post your pictures. It could be on a friend's wall or as a comment on someone else's post.

  3. Above the status bar, there is an option to "Add Photos/Videos." Select this option to continue.

  4. You will then see an option to "Upload Photo/Video" or to "Create Album.” Select "Upload Photo/Video" if you just want to share one or a few photos. Select "Create Album" if you want to upload several photos that will all be grouped together.

  5. Next, you will need to find the picture in JPG format directly from your computer drive, USB stick or external hard drive, that you want to upload. You may choose one or more images at a time by pressing the Shift key on your keyboard while selecting multiple pictures.

  6. Your picture is almost ready to be posted on Facebook. Before posting it, you can add a caption to your image, tag friends in it,  rotate it, add a location, set a date and time, and/or edit the default privacy setting.

    • Adding a Caption
      Simply type what you'd like to say in the space above the image with the prompt, "Say something about this photo..."

    • Tagging Friends
      Select the option "Tag This Photo." Then, click on the faces in your picture to choose the name of the friends you want to tag. These people will receive a notification that a new picture of them was posted on Facebook. When you are finished tagging your friends, choose "Done Tagging.”

    • Rotating the Image
      To do this, hover your cursor over the photo, as you do this the image should slightly darken and you will see two icons in the bottom left and right corners. Select the paint brush icon ("Edit Photo"). The photo should enlarge, presenting a rotating button in the bottom left corner.

    • Add a Location
      Select the location pin icon beneath the uploaded photo and type in where the photo was taken

    • Set the Date and Time of Your Post
      Select the clock icon beneath the uploaded photo and input the desired year, month, and day.

    • Editing Privacy Settings
      The button next to the "Post" button in the bottom right corner shows who will see this post. If you click it you can change it to: Public, Friends, or More Options.

  7. Once you are finished editing the picture, select the "Post" button to publish your picture(s) on Facebook. Your photo will be displayed on Facebook, and instantly appear for people to like and comment.

Above are the simple instructions to post your photos on Facebook. You can now quickly share all your pictures with your friends and family in an instant!
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