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Inspirational Quotes

By Dillon Wallace

Who doesn’t love a good inspirational quote? Whether they’re words to live by or art to hang on your walls, inspirational quotes can help us put things in perspective. And we could all use a little perspective every now and then.

So, enough of me droning on, let’s get to the real pioneers of inspiration with some great quotes to motivate you with all warm and fuzzies.

“Be curious not judgemental” 

– Walt Whitman/Ted Lasso

Sometimes the best inspirational quote is a reality check into our own subconscious. Today’s world, especially with social media being as prevalent as it is, can be a super judgemental place thanks to internet trolls and berating comment boards full of keyboard warriors. Just remember, life should be full of asking questions versus casting judgement. Because those who ask questions become life-long learners, and isn’t that what life’s all about?

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

– Wayne Gretzky/Michael Scott

This simple quote is a peek behind our own fears of failure. Sure, if you don’t shoot you won’t miss, but you’ll always wonder what could have been. Don’t wonder what could have been. Shoot your shot and seize your opportunity. You might miss, but at least you tried, which is more than most people can ever say.

“Limit your ‘Always’ and your ‘Nevers.’”

– Amy Poehler

This SNL comedian may have made a living making people laugh, but she’s also dropping some inspirational knowledgeable bombs, too. As people, we tend to think and act in absolutes. The idea that there’s only black and white, no grey area. Well, that grey area is where we grow, learn and become our best selves. So, find your grey area and embrace it.

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”

– C.S. Lewis

As we age, we tend to limit ourselves to what society thinks about us. The idea that once you get to a certain age you shouldn’t wear this, do that, pursue x,y,z, etc. But age is just a number. Why should we turn our back on the opportunity for happiness just because it doesn’t fit someone else’s idea of age appropriateness. Be you, always.

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.”

– Dr. Seuss

Time is fleeting and if you don’t live in the present, then all you have left is clinging to the past or hoping for the future. In a world where we eat, sleep and live with our phones attached to our persons, it’s important to take a look at the world around you and remember right now. Document it if you have to, but value it first and foremost.

“Some people look for a beautiful place. Others make a place beautiful.”

– Hazrat Inayat Khan


There are two ways to look at every challenge. You can try to find the perfect opportunity or you can roll up your sleeves and make the opportunity perfect. Life is what you make it, so be your own interior decorator.

“The best way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

– Walt Disney

Procrastination can be a confidence killer. It can fill your head with self-doubt before you even know it’s happening. Instead of fearing failure or being overwhelmed by the scope of a project, start small and work your way forward. Even baby steps are still progress.

“Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others.”

– Rosa Parks

The thought that someone is always watching is true. That’s why it’s important to live our lives as role models for what we believe in – for our kids – for our the future of our world. If we can set the example we want to see in the world today, then the batton will carry on tomorrow.

Speaking of our memories continuing in others, now is a perfect time to preserve your past. If you have a collection of old home videotapes, photographs, cassettes or film reels, send them to us for digitization. We’ll convert them to a thumb drive, DVD or cloud download so that you can enjoy reliving loved ones' lives, works and deeds for generations to come.

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