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Home /Entertainment / Can I Record Over My Old Cassette Tapes?

Can I Record Over My Old Cassette Tapes?

By Dillon Wallace

Remember cassette tapes? Those plastic rectangles that we used to fast-forward and rewind through in search of our artists’ favorite tracks. Yeah, we don’t remember them either. Just kidding, of course, we do!


Cassette tapes were actually pretty dang great. They offered us the first opportunity to take the music of our choice on the go with us. Thank you, Sony Walkman. They also gave us the beauty of the mixtape. The holy grail gift for your grade school crush. You know, that perfect way to tell him/her how you felt without actually telling them anything at all. Just having your favorite bands do it for you. It was a socially awkward introvert’s dream come true.


And, chances are, if you’re a product of the 80s, or earlier, then you have your own collection of old cassette tapes just lying around in storage somewhere. Probably in a box with your prized acid washed jeans and grungey flannel that smells like more than teen spirit by this point.


Preserve your old memories. Record over to create new ones.

Hopefully, the Nirvana reference inspired you to race to your basement and dig up your old cassette tape collection, so you could reminisce in all your garage band nostalgia. Hey, Sonic Death Monkey is still a cool name and it’s only aged like a fine wine. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Now, the question is: What are you going to do with all those cassette tapes? If you’re wanting to bust out the old strat again and record some tunage over your old tapes, you can totally do that. 


BUT, before you decide to call Jimmy and Joey up to get the band back together from that one summer of ‘69, consider sending in all those cassette tapes for digitization. Just ship them on over to Southtree and our team of professional preservationists will get to work converting all those old, original tunes and Guns N’ Roses bootlegs into digital copies –– thumb drives, DVDs or cloud downloads. Then, we’ll ship them right back to you just as they were, so if you wanted to rock n’ roll and record over them, you most certainly could. 


Just remember, cassette tapes can be re-recorded, but memories can never be replaced. So, as a helpful piece of advice, make sure to digitize those old cassette tapes before you decide to record over them with your mid-life crisis band.


And hey, maybe that pair of acid washed jeans will still fit, too. 

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